Create free web pages for anything.
Create pages for Real Estate Agencies, Affiliate Marketers, Product Manufacturers, Donations, Bio Profiles, Digital Business Cards, etc and link them to qr-codes...

Create and customize with ease
Connect your social profiles, paypal, affiliate products, photos, videos, music, podcast, maps, price lists and more. Pages can be duplicated with one click to instantly replicate a design.
Customize page colors & backgrounds
39 ready-made page blocks
Customize page's SEO settings
Password protect page, sensitive content alerts and more
Embed custom HTML to your page
Whether you want to add live chat, a google form or an e-commerce store from we've got you covered.
Available on our Free Plan
Simply copy and paste code into form
Mobile first responsive display
Adjustable frame height and width

QR-Code generator included
Generate dymanic QR-codes for any of your Powa.Links and start driving offline traffic to your pages.
Add a QR-code to your business card and link it to your bio page
Put a QR-code at your bar or restaurant and link it to a price list page
Add a QR-code to your real estate display sign and link it to the property details
Built-in analytics
Track your page engagement over any time period. Analyze referrers, countries, operating systems, browsers, languages. UTM tracking is also available for customized campaigns.