Powa.Link FAQ 1 minutes read

Is Powa.Link really free?

Yes it is and you don't need a credit card to signup.

Do you plan to offer Powa.Link subscription plans at anytime?

Powa.Link is currently sponsored by Future Caribbean so all current expenses are taken care of,

Can I put my Powa.Links in my TikTok and Instagram posts?

You can but we don't advise that you do it. It's not useful because no one can tap/click them. Put your links in the bio section only!

Can I use my own images and background to design Powa.Link pages?

Yes you absolutely can!

Can I remove the powered by link at the footer of Powa.Link pages?

At the moment you can't. It is a way to drive traffic back to us. It's a win win situation. We give you free service in exchange for traffic you send us ;)

I forgot my Powa.Link password, what do I do?

You can easily reset your password on the Forgot password page!

How do I delete my Powa.Link account?

You can do so by going to the account section after you login and click on the Delete Account button. When you delete your account all data we have on you is deleted as well. This is not reversible.

Last updated on: 16 November, 2022